Hello, I’m Feng Long, currently a NASA Hubble Fellowship Program Sagan Fellow at the Lunar and Planetary Lab of the Univeristy of Arizona (hosted by Prof. Ilaria Pascucci). I obtained my PhD in 2019 at Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of Peking University (北京大学), working with Prof. Gregory Herczeg. I then spent three years as a SMA Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
I have broad interests in star and planet formation. In particually, my research focuses on the formation and evolution of protoplanetary disks - the cradle of young planets, primarily using mm/cm interferometric observations (e.g., ALMA, SMA, and VLA) to understand the origin of the diverse properties of exoplanets. I'm also excited to use ground and space facilities to search and study young planets embedded in disks to better reveal their formation path.
I'm now leading multiple ALMA observing programs to study disk evolution, disk substructure search and characterization, as well as disk chemistry (details can be found in CV). Feel free to contact me if you are interested to work with me or collaborate.